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Crested gecko breeding

Crested gecko breeding

What’s not to like about Crested Geckos, also known as Rhacodactylus Ciliatus? They’re calm and easy to work with. They don’t bite, are quite easy to care for, and come in an incredible variety of colours and designs. They even have a permanent grin on their faces. Crested geckos are quite popular, and many crestie … Read more

Humidity for crested geckos

Humidity for crested geckos

Crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus, originally Rhacodactylus ciliates) are small arboreal geckos that are native to New Caledonia, a small island off the coast of Australia. Cresties are popular pet lizards, especially among novices, because of their modest size (about 8” long) and low maintenance requirements. This article focuses on the requirements regarding humidity for crested … Read more