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Humidity for crested geckos

Crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus, originally Rhacodactylus ciliates) are small arboreal geckos that are native to New Caledonia, a small island off the coast of Australia. Cresties are popular pet lizards, especially among novices, because of their modest size (about 8” long) and low maintenance requirements.

This article focuses on the requirements regarding humidity for crested geckos.

Crested geckos are subtropical lizards who prefer to be kept in a humid environment. They are not tropical lizards that demand high temperatures and heavy humidity, contrary to popular assumption. Humidity, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in a crested gecko’s life and should not be overlooked.

Crested geckos prefer humidity levels of 60 to 80 percent. With daily misting and a moisture-retentive substrate, this can be maintained. Before sprinkling again, let it dry to roughly 50% or even 40% humidity—constant moisture fosters mould and mildew growth, which can make your gecko sick.

Misting is also the ideal technique to keep your gecko hydrated since, while they will occasionally drink from a dish, they prefer to lick water droplets off plants and the enclosure walls.

The right humidity, like the right temperature and lighting, isn’t a given. There are numerous things that play a role. It makes little difference whether the relative humidity is 65 percent or 70 percent. You should strive for a humidity level that falls within the optimal range on average, however humidity levels will fluctuate throughout the day.

PRO TIP: Get a pressure sprayer like the Exo Terra 2L Mister to avoid hand cramps. I can’t imagine not having one!

Mist at least once in the evening, and if necessary, again in the morning, depending on how well your terrarium keeps humidity. The droplets on the terrarium walls and decorations will be consumed by your gecko.

In this post, you’ll learn what humidity level is best for crested geckos and how to keep your cresties in a comfortable environment that’s neither too damp nor too dry. You’ll learn how to use a variety of factors to decide if you can keep the humidity at a reasonable level.

Crested gecko humidity

Almost all types of pet geckos require a high level of humidity. Cresteds are no exception. You can assist your crested gecko stay hydrated and shed correctly by regulating humidity in the right range. Shedding is an important aspect of a young crested gecko’s development, and it might be an issue if the humidity isn’t right.

Crested gecko humidity

Your newborn crested gecko will have difficulty shedding if the humidity is too low (the air is too dry). As a result, we recommend utilising a reptile fogger and hydrometer to ensure that your humidity stays around 70%. When keeping any morph or colour of crested gecko, a humidity level of 70% is advised. Your newborn crested gecko will live a much happier life if you provide the proper humidity.

Enclosure for crested geckos

A vertical enclosure, such as a cage, a tank, or a terrarium, is required for crested geckos. A vivarium is the common word for such an enclosure. Your arboreal crested gecko can climb and bounce around in a vertical habitat. The size of your crested gecko’s enclosure will be determined by his age and size.

Crested gecko temperature

If you know anything about reptiles, you already know that they are cold-blooded and rely on the temperature of their environment to be warm and active. The temperature of any reptile, including the crested gecko, is critical. So, what is the ideal temperature for your crested gecko?

Crested gecko temperature celsius

During the day, the optimal temperature for crested geckos is 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 25.5 degrees Celsius). They can withstand lower temperatures at night. The temperature should be between 69 and 74 degrees Fahrenheit at night (20.5 and 23.5 degrees Celsius).

Crested gecko temperature uk

Crested geckos are native to a mild to warm, humid climate, therefore they will need some extra heating to survive in the UK. Unlike other reptiles, they only require a basking temperature of roughly 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) and can become stressed if the temperature rises too high.

Crested gecko humidity too high

In captivity, crested geckos require a relative humidity of 70 to 80 percent. In the long run, an average humidity of more than 80% will cause health difficulties. Dehydration and shedding difficulties will occur if the average humidity is less than 50%.

How to lower humidity in crested gecko tank

To assist pull the humidity out, place a tiny computer fan on top of the enclosure. The humidity should be higher throughout the evening hours. However, try using a modest fan to see if it helps to lower the humidity level.

Crested gecko humidity too low

For beginners, one of the most important things to remember is that the humidity of crested geckos might be too high or too low. Unstable humidity will pose a concern to crested geckos, particularly in terms of their health.

Geckos will be unable to function normally if the humidity is too low, as it will not provide adequate moisture for respiratory action. If this condition persists for a long time, the existence of the species will undoubtedly be jeopardised.

How to increase humidity in crested gecko tank

By adding moss to your crested gecko tank, you can enhance the humidity. Simply spritz or wet it and ring it before placing it in their terrarium. Moss will help to increase humidity while also making the enclosure appear more natural.

Crested gecko humidity at night

New Caledonia’s humidity fluctuates during the day, exactly like the rest of the world. The humidity level might drop to as low as 50% from morning to afternoon. When night falls, the humidity levels tend to soar, reaching up to 90% in some cases. These humidity levels are influenced by a variety of things.

Since crested geckos originates from New Caledonia it makes sense to try the best to replicate the behavious of the humidity from there.

What Is a Humid Vivarium and How Do I Make One?

When making a humid terrarium, there are several aspects to consider. Some of these elements are simple to change, while others necessitate a higher level of expertise.

Humidity in vivarium, enclosure or terrarium for crested gecko.

A terrarium’s humidity is determined by:

  • the type of enclosure
  • the region you’re living in and/or the general humidity in your house
  • your choice in vivarium plants
  • the kind of substrate you use

Besides these factors, there’s one easy way to easily and cheaply increase the humidity in a terrarium: misting!

If you’re having trouble generating a high-humidity terrarium, you might want to consider purchasing a humidifier. This is unlikely to be necessary for the majority of you.

The enclosure’s style

There are various sorts of enclosures for crested geckos, and if you haven’t already made a decision, it’s a good idea to read our housing guide to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Tanks and terrariums are the most common options (sometimes also called vivarium). These enclosures offer the advantage of effectively retaining humidity, but you need ensure that there is sufficient ventilation to progressively reduce humidity levels.

Screen or mesh cages, on the other hand, are suitable for crested geckos, although they have a problem maintaining a consistent level of humidity throughout the day. The rationale for this is that water vapour may escape through the mesh, and the enclosure is ventilated from all sides.

A terrarium (or vivarium) is the greatest choice for most of you in terms of humidity. It will maintain appropriate humidity levels, and most terrariums will still have adequate ventilation.

Plants in the Enclosure / Vivarium

While going through the photosynthetic process, live vivarium plants and mosses will naturally emit moisture or water vapour. The release of water vapour into the air is referred to as transpiration. Plant transpiration is similar to human sweating, and the water vapour allows the leaves to cool off.

The rate of transpiration is influenced by a number of factors:

  • Temperature: When a terrarium’s temperature is high, the rate of transpiration increases. A heated terrarium with living plants will naturally produce more humidity.
  • Humidity: If the terrarium is already humid, the plants’ rate of transpiration will be slowed. It’s a form of autoregulation, and it causes the humidity to drop less than when there aren’t any live plants present.
  • Ventilation: The evapotranspiration rate increases when there is a lot of ventilation. This is primarily owing to the fact that ventilation reduces humidity. As a result, the rate of transpiration will increase.
  • Water availability: Evapotranspiration requires water, therefore if there isn’t enough water in the soil, evapotranspiration will not occur.
  • Soil type: The soil type impacts how much water the soil can contain and how easy it is for the plant to draw from it. The rate of transpiration is higher than the rate of evaporation from the soil when the ground is covered by plant.
  • Plant type: Some plants, such as succulents, naturally retain their water and do not transpire much. Other plants emit a greater amount of water.

In a crested gecko terrarium, both real and fake plants can be utilised, however live plants have an advantage when it comes to raising the terrarium’s humidity. Always double-check that they’re safe to use and that they don’t get too big.


The type of terrarium substrate you choose can have a big impact on the humidity. The substrates that retain the most moisture and maintain a high level of humidity in a terrarium are:

  • cypress mulch
  • coconut husk
  • orchid bark

Humidifiers and misting


You’ve most likely heard of the word misting before. It’s the same principle as using a spray bottle to boost humidity in a terrarium. Misting is a simple and inexpensive approach to boost humidity, particularly in dry areas.

You should always keep an eye on the hygrometer to see how humid the terrarium is, although most people will need to mist in the evening and morning. Humidity levels should be between 80 and 90 percent in the evening. Allow the humidity to drop to 50% over the course of 12 hours, then mist once more.

If you see that the humidity levels are dropping faster and dropping below 50%, you should mist more frequently and with less time between mists.

The water you use to mist your crested geckos should be tap water, which includes minerals that are essential for their survival. Never use water that has been distilled, softened, or filtered!


If you don’t want to spray with a misting bottle every day, or if you live in a dry environment where maintaining humidity levels is difficult, a humidifier is a good investment. Humidifiers for a room or a specific enclosure are available. These tank humidifiers aren’t cheap, and they can easily cost more than $100.

Extra Suggestions

You can use the following ideas to give yourself an advantage when it comes to maintaining the optimum humidity levels:

  • Never mist directly on the hygrometer: this will result in an incorrect reading, indicating that the humidity levels are lower than the hygrometer suggests.
  • Crested geckos don’t always drink from a water bowl. Instead, they sip the terrarium plants’ drops. Even so, it’s a good idea to provide water in a water bowl. The water will slowly evaporate, increasing humidity somewhat.
  • Mist both the terrarium and the plants to allow droplets to develop on the terrarium’s foliage and walls. Your crested gecko will next lick up these drips.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do crested geckos require a lot of humidity?

Humidity is really essential to me because I’m from a tropical island. In order to smell their food, crested geckos require a higher level of humidity. Daily misting is required to maintain the terrarium’s humidity. When sprayed, they will drink water from the plants and terrarium walls.

When it comes to humidity, how much is too much for a Crested Gecko?

In captivity, crested geckos require a relative humidity of 70 to 80 percent. In the long run, an average humidity of more than 80% will cause health difficulties. Dehydration and shedding difficulties will occur if the average humidity is less than 50%.

What is the best way to keep a crested gecko tank humid?

  • Spray their enclosure with water.
  • Toss in some moss. Adding moss to your crested gecko tank is another excellent way to increase humidity.
  • Change the substrate
  • Cover their tank top with foil.
  • Use a reptile fogger.

In a crested gecko tank, how humid should it be?

Humidity in the tank should be 50-60% at all times with spikes up to 80-90%several times a day when the cage is misted. Humidity should be monitored by a hygrometer. The staple of the diet should be a commercial powdered Crested Gecko food.

How often should I spray or nist my crested gecko tank?

Crested geckos require a moderate to high amount of humidity. Mist with warm, filtered water on a frequent basis to add humidity. You may need to spritz your cage a few times a day to maintain the humidity up, depending on your configuration. At night, when the geckos are most active, make sure the cage is well-misted.

What is the coldest temperature for a crested gecko?

During the winter, cresties can withstand temperatures as low as 65 degrees Fahrenheit at night (18 degrees Celsius). If they can warm up later, they can survive temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).

What is the most amount of time a crested gecko can go without a heat lamp?

The answer is not overly lengthy. To begin, the heat light should be switched off at night to avoid disrupting your crested gecko’s nighttime activity. Second, you can only leave it on for one to three hours during the day when it is turned on.

When is the best time to mist my crested gecko?

Although crested geckos are tropical animals, they do not require constant high humidity, which can cause respiratory illnesses in captivity. It is sufficient to mist extensively at night (80-90 percent) and softly in the morning, allowing it to dry to 50% during the day.

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