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Is it safe to leave crickets in with a crested gecko?

If you’re like most crested gecko owners, you probably give your gecko crickets as a snack. They’re the perfect size and they’re packed with nutrients that crested geckos love. But did you know that crickets can also nibble on crested geckos? In this article, we’ll discuss whether it’s safe to leave crickets in with crested geckos and what you can do to prevent them from becoming prey.

Crickets are a popular snack or supplement for crested geckos. Crickets, on the other hand, are known to be ravenous and will eat anything that crosses their path when they’re hungry. So you might ask if it’s okay to leave crickets with your crested gecko.

There are several advantages to providing live insects to your crested gecko. However, as I already said, there are drawbacks and dangers when feeding live crickets.

It’s not recommended that you leave live crickets in a crested gecko cage for an extended period of time. Crickets will discover your crested gecko and begin to chew on it, which can increase his stress levels. It’s possible for crickets to transport germs and diseases. It is recommended that when feeding is finished, you remove any remaining or dead crickets.

Is it safe to leave crickets in with a crested gecko?
Is it safe to leave crickets in with a crested gecko?

There are several advantages to feeding live crickets, mealworms, or other live food to your crested gecko. But there are also risks and drawbacks when using this method of feeding.  

Because of this, I strongly advise monitoring your crested gecko when you offer crickets. You don’t want to make your crested gecko uncomfortable!

In this post, you’ll discover why leaving crickets with your crested gecko is hazardous and what additional risks there are in doing so. You’ll also learn how to keep your crested gecko safe from the crickets.

Leaving Crickets in a Crested Gecko Enclosure: Risks and Pitfalls

As we’ve seen, leaving crickets in with a crested gecko can be hazardous. There are several reasons for this.

First, crested geckos are natural prey for crickets. When given the opportunity, crickets will try to eat crested geckos. This can cause stress for the crested gecko and make him sick.

Second, crickets can transmit diseases to crested geckos. These diseases can make your crested gecko very ill and may even be fatal.

Risks of leaving crickets in crested gecko enclosure
Risks of leaving crickets in crested gecko enclosure

Third, crickets may nibble on your crested gecko’s skin, which can cause irritation and infection.

Fourth, crested geckos may accidentally ingest cricket feces, which can contain harmful bacteria.

Finally, leaving crickets in with a crested gecko can increase the risk of escapees. If crickets get out of their enclosure, they can quickly become lost and be difficult to find.

As you can see, there are many risks associated with leaving crickets in with crested geckos. Below are some more details regarding these risks

Crickets feeding on geckos, plants and food

Crickets are omnivores that will eat both plant and animal products. When they’re hungry, they’ll start munching on almost anything. This indicates that the longer crickets remain in their enclosure, the more likely they are to begin eating within it.

They will usually begin with crested gecko food (MRP), which is sweet and tasty. Next, they will start consuming plants, and eventually, your crested gecko may get nibbled on. The most common areas for a crested gecko’s attackers to target are its toes and tail (end). It goes without saying that this is unpleasant for your crestie.

Increased stress level for your crested gecko

Crickets in the enclosure might cause aggravation for your crested gecko, especially when it’s trying to sleep. Crickets may chirp and begin nibbling on your gecko. The situation becomes more complicated when there are a lot of crickets, which may overwhelm our cresties.

Your crested gecko will have difficulties sleeping with crickets in its surroundings while cricket noises echo throughout the enclosure (causing stress).

Crickets spreading pathogens

By biting your crested gecko and generating wounds, crickets may spread disease-causing organisms (organisms that cause illnesses). Bacteria may penetrate your crested gecko’s body and bloodstream more readily if it has not been properly treated. 

Bacteria and parasites can likewise be transmitted through crickets by leaping and climbing around the enclosure, spreading bacteria from urine and feces to the water and food of your gecko.

Concerns about Leaving Crickets in a Crested Gecko Enclosure

Leaving crickets in with a crested gecko can cause concerns for the crested gecko. Crickets can nibble on the crested gecko, and this can lead to injuries or even death. It is best to avoid leaving crickets in with a crested gecko. Other concerns and risks are explained below.

Concerns about Leaving Crickets in a Crested Gecko Enclosure
Concerns about Leaving Crickets in a Crested Gecko Enclosure

Crickets hiding in the gecko enclosure

Crickets are highly gifted at finding the most hidden locations in an enclosure. When you bring in the crickets into an enclosure with a variety of greenery and decorations, they may become difficult to find. 

Cricket hiding in enclosure
Cricket hiding in enclosure

You don’t want the crickets to hide. They may perish and begin to smell. While your crested gecko is sleeping, hidden crickets might also come out of their hiding and begin to nibble on it.

Dead crickets have a distinctive scent

The smell of a dead cricket is one of the most noxious scents imaginable. The odor of a crested gecko habitat may be caused by a variety of factors, but the most undesirable is the smell of dead crickets. It will leave a foul smell in your enclosure, especially if you don’t find the deceased crickets.

How to Keep Your Crested Gecko Safe From Crickets

There are a few methods for keeping your crested geckos safe from cricket bites and nibbles. The most apparent option is to provide no crickets or just dehydrated ones.

How to Keep Your Crested Gecko Safe From Crickets
How to Keep Your Crested Gecko Safe From Crickets

There are several advantages to feeding live food to your crested gecko, and you may still want to offer your crested gecko live crickets. Here are some measures you may take to ensure the health and safety of your crested gecko.

Feeding your crested gecko in a separate container

One of the most common issues with cricket feeding is that they may consume the plants or meal replacement powder (before they start to nibble on your crested gecko). This can be avoided by feeding crickets in a separate container (such as a faunarium).

Feeding in a different container (such as a faunarium) will allow you to keep track of where the crickets are and what they’re doing. As a result, your crested gecko will have an easier time finding them. After the feeding, you may simply remove the remaining crickets.

Exo-terra faunarium
Exo-terra faunarium

There are drawbacks to feeding in a separate container. Some crested gecko parents may refuse to hunt in a container unless there is plenty of foliage. Some others, on the other hand, might become agitated by being housed in another container.

Only feed an amount of crickets that your crested gecko can eat

You can keep crickets from harming your crested gecko by getting your gecko to consume them. Never give your crested gecko more crickets than it can eat!

Start by feeding your crestie only a few crickets, and see how much crickets they consume. This is the maximum number of crickets you should have at any given moment. If you’re feeding crickets, this is the best amount to use. Only give a few crickets at once and wait a little while before checking on them.

Removing dead and leftover crickets

Finally, remove any remaining and dead (uneaten) crickets when you notice that your crested gecko isn’t seeking after them and has eaten enough. 

The rotting odor of dead crickets might taint the whole enclosure’s fragrance. Leftover and living crickets can also consume the plants, crest gecko food, or start to nip your crested gecko.

FAQ – crickets in crestie enclosure

Can I leave crickets in with my crested gecko?

No, you should not leave crickets in with your crested gecko. Despite being insectivores, crested geckos do not appreciate the presence of live insects in their enclosure. In fact, crickets can be quite stressful for them and may cause them to stop eating or even abandon their food altogether. If you must feed your crested gecko crickets, make sure to remove dead or living crickets after feeding them.

Can crickets hurt my crested gecko?

Answer: Yes, crickets can cause serious harm to the crested gecko’s eyes and toes. Even a spare cricket might be deadly to your crestie if he is a newborn. As a result, remove any remaining crickets from the terrarium if you notice that your crested gecko hasn’t consumed them all. Don’t wait for the crickets to die and decompose before removing them.

How long should you leave crickets in with gecko?

Answer: The rule of thumb is that you should never leave prey in with your gecko for more than 24 hours. After a day, the crickets will start to stink and could potentially harm your gecko.

Can crested geckos get parasites from crickets?

Answer: Yes, crested geckos can get parasites from crickets. If you have a cricket that is infected with parasites, it is important to remove it from the enclosure immediately. You can prevent parasites from infecting your crickets by purchasing them from a reputable breeder or pet store, and by quarantining new crickets before adding them to the main enclosure.

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